Sackville Curling Club - 22 Lansdowne St, Sackville, NB E4L 3Y9 (506) 536-0880
Curling in ORANGE Level
As we approach the possibility of our region reverting back to ORANGE Level, the Safety Committee of the SCC is looking for expressions of interest to curl.
Under NB Dept. of Health ORANGE guidelines, curling is permitted provided it is not regular league play. Essentially, bubbles of up to 8 curlers are formed and this group is permitted to practice and develop skills. Members can participate in only one bubble and no spares are permitted. This bubble remains throughout the ORANGE Level. Reverting to YELLOW Level permits regular league play to resume.
Under ORANGE Level protocols, masks must be worn at all times. Lockers rooms and the bar would remain closed. Members would be encouraged to come ready for curling except for donning your shoes and then depart immediately upon conclusion of your practice/play.
Would this type of practice/playing be of interest to you?
Please do not reply to this email but rather send your response to if interested or if you need more information.
If you want to play/practice with specific people, please include that information. We will try and ensure you are in the same bubble.
Curling times are going to be weekdays at 10am and evenings at 6:30pm, Monday to Friday. Let us know your preference and we will work on creating the appropriate bubbles.
ORANGE phase Game Play Protocol is in our COVID section
President Tom & Safety Committee
Dear Members,
Thanks to those who have responded. We are working on your requests and suggestions and may connect with you to clarify specific points. It has been pointed out that a number of those who have already responded would like to curl more than once per week. If this applies to you and you already sent a note to the SCC Membership email, could you please update it with your available times and days?
If you haven't responded, we hope we have provided enough information for you to decide if you want to participate under ORANGE. If you do, please email including the dates and times you would be available and we will see if there are others we can bubble with you. And if two or more want to be bubbled together, just let us know and we will see what can be done.
We do need all interested members to let us know by noon on Sunday Jan 31 please. We will need to give Myles time to tune up the ice as we would like to be ready to curl as soon as we revert to ORANGE.
Thanks for your patience as we work through this time of uncertainty.
President Tom & Safety Committee
Curling in ORANGE Level
As we approach the possibility of our region reverting back to ORANGE Level, the Safety Committee of the SCC is looking for expressions of interest to curl.
Under NB Dept. of Health ORANGE guidelines, curling is permitted provided it is not regular league play. Essentially, bubbles of up to 8 curlers are formed and this group is permitted to practice and develop skills. Members can participate in only one bubble and no spares are permitted. This bubble remains throughout the ORANGE Level. Reverting to YELLOW Level permits regular league play to resume.
Under ORANGE Level protocols, masks must be worn at all times. Lockers rooms and the bar would remain closed. Members would be encouraged to come ready for curling except for donning your shoes and then depart immediately upon conclusion of your practice/play.
Would this type of practice/playing be of interest to you?
Please do not reply to this email but rather send your response to if interested or if you need more information.
If you want to play/practice with specific people, please include that information. We will try and ensure you are in the same bubble.
Curling times are going to be weekdays at 10am and evenings at 6:30pm, Monday to Friday. Let us know your preference and we will work on creating the appropriate bubbles.
ORANGE phase Game Play Protocol is below.
President Tom & Safety Committee
Dear Members,
Curling has resumed on Feb 9. Groups of 8 or less have been formed to curl with each other exclusively during the orange phase. Please see the operational plan during the orange phase for further new rules of play in the COVID section. Contact Janet Robinson i f you'd like to be added to a team.
The McLellan Cup is the oldest men's Club Challenge Trophy in curling in the Maritime provinces. It has been continuously played for since 1907.
The trophy was first competed for in an Inter-Provincial Bonspiel between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia at Moncton in 1887. After being played for in this form for a number of years, it was found too difficult to arrange the annual event and it was agreed to make the Cup a Challenge Trophy. The first recorded challenge match in the documentation was on Jan 8, 1907 in Truro between Truro and Halifax. In the early days teams played 21 ends to declare a winner. Over time, it became 18 ends and now stands at 14 ends being played by the teams to declare which club will go on to the next challenge.
This historic trophy was the gift of the Hon. David McLellan , who at that time was a member of the Legisiative Council of New Brunswick.
For more information check out the McLellan Cup website
Or check out this interesting news article:
The McLellan Cup was first contested as a trophy for an inter-provincial bonspiel between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in Moncton in 1887. The cup was a gift from David McLellan, who at the time was a member of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick.
The SACKVILLE CURLING CLUB will hold their ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on May 27th, 2021 at the Curling Club at 6:30 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. start time.
We invite you to attend. COVID-19 protocols will be in place. Social distancing and the wearing of a mask will be required.
We are in need of a few directors, so please consider taking a position to ensure the continued good operation of your club. If you are interested or wish to obtain further information please contact Tom Trueman.
This is a six week program starting in early November
Contact to register.
Our curling facility gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Canadian Curling Association through its Curling Assistance Program.