Sackville Curling Club - 22 Lansdowne St, Sackville, NB E4L 3Y9 (506) 536-0880
The 29th annual Curl for Cancer raised $15,914 so far!
Drew & Tom
Slim Pickens
Christine Gilroy
Mike Maillet
Perpetual Motion Dancers
RA & Jack
Lil' Jills
It was a very successful event and everyone had a great time!
The club executive decided to finish the season early this year in order to help the reduce the rapid spread of the coronavirus and to protect all of our club members.
About half of our Rookie Curling League were able to participate in the last game of the season on Sunday March 15.
We hope that all our members stay safe and healthy as we look forward to our 125th anniversary season starting in the fall!
We appreciate all our volunteers!
Thanks to our board members who have completed their term: Kathy Best, Julia Hunter and Sarah Doak
Dear Members,
We are sending along a brief update to address questions that have come up regarding our new curling stones.
At present, we have been curling with the new stones since the first of the year. You have likely noticed that only some of the stones have new, inscribed handles. When purchasing the stones, we purchased all new handles. We still have rocks available to be sponsored and inscribed, so, rather than shipping handles here and then back for inscription, we left them with the company until we are ready to complete the order.
Stones are still available to be sponsored and inscribed at a cost of $600.00. We hope to have another ten to twelve sponsors which would complete two full sheets. The Board, in consultation with the members, will make a decision about the stones on the third sheet and how, if and when they will be inscribed.
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors along with grants from the Town and Province our stones are now paid for. Some of the funds used to complete the purchase were from club funds held in reserve for contingencies, emergencies and future planning. It is these funds that we hope to replace with the final sponsorships.
There are a number of our original handles that continue to have significance to the club and members and the old handles will not be destroyed. We hope to have these displayed in a prominent location in the future or there may be another better way to hang on to these. If you have some thoughts or feedback on these handles as a group or, individual handles that you feel have special significance, please bring this to the attention of a board member.
Members will be informed of final decisions regarding the old handles and the new handles for sheet 3.
For those still interested in sponsoring a stone, or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to a Board Member. Thank you again to those who have supported the Rock Replacement Campaign.
Rock Replacement Committee
Our curling facility gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Canadian Curling Association through its Curling Assistance Program.