Sackville Curling Club - 22 Lansdowne St, Sackville, NB E4L 3Y9 (506) 536-0880
Membership Director
2024-25 Fees
Full membership: $355 + tax
Juniors (age 12-21yrs) $90 + tax
Student Junior (grade 9 and up; any League) $205 + tax
Student (under 23 yrs; any League) $205 + tax
Little Rocks(ages 5-12) $80 + tax
Lockers $25
2024-25 Fees
New Curlers (6 wk Learn to Curl + unlimited League play)
$230 + $50 (required share purchase) + tax
Learn to Curl 6 Week Program $60
Our curling facility gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Canadian Curling Association through its Curling Assistance Program.